One Trader Doesn’t See Much Difference Between Italy And The U.S. On Fiscal Policy
By Kevin Muir of “The Macro Tourist” fame; reposted here with permission
Today’s post will poke a lot of fun at the EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, so I warn you now - if you are a fan, click next. To a large degree, it’s not really sporting going after JC as he offers such a treasure trove of opportunities.
We’ll start with his most infamous slip. “When it becomes serious, you have to lie.”
Yeah, I get it. He just said out loud what everyone knows. But it was s
As our great leader Forrest Trump said (think the “Life is like a box of chocolates tone and cadence here): “I don’t think anyone cares about debt and deficits anymore”. Thanks Forrest! And he has Larry Kudlow to explain it all with his Peter Pan pie-in-the-sky supply side economic fairy tales. I wonder if the camera panned down to his feet would it reveal that he is actually wearing a pair of ruby slippers while he’s telling you how the deficit is actually plummeting? Remember, what you are seeing is not actually happening. Got that? And given our similarities with Italy, we could join in with Larry, don our own ruby slippers, click our heels and keep repeating in a trancelike state “There’s no place like Rome”.