Trump Takes Sessions Attack To New Level: ‘I Don’t Have An Attorney General’
In case you were wondering whether Donald Trump has forgotten how much he hates his Attorney General, the answer is definitively "no".
Over the last couple of weeks, the President has been distracted by the increasingly fraught Brett Kavanaugh nomination, the trade war with China, and renewed scrutiny of the administration's bungled response to Hurricane Maria. But through it all, you can be sure that Jeff Sessions is never far from Trump's mind.
August brought a veritable torrent of bad lega
And Pence is saying to himself, “Keep it up fat man, I’ll be President soon.”
I bet not. Mueller surely knows he also lied and participated in a cover up. I hope he is on the list to go.
i think Sessions is the nyt op/ed author. it has just the right condescending tone to it….towards djt and the public
look what I just read: