Deconstructing Trump’s Google Conspiracy Theory
It's hard to say precisely what motivated Donald Trump's Tuesday attack on Google.
Between the Mueller probe, the self-inflicted wound from the bungled response to John McCain's death and the trade wars, the President is mired in bad press and desperately needs to shift the narrative ahead of the midterms, especially considering what the likely ramifications would be if Democrats flip the House. Here are the current odds:
(Goldman, Predicit)
It seems likely that the legal news will get wors
Oh dear, the old problem of how to prove a negative!! Your snark helps me hang in there. I was an English Lit major and have a couple of semesters of economics so have to look up a lot of the terminology, but I am learning a bit of econ, and that can’t hurt. Unlike ‘The Orange One’, I think learning never hurts, and you never know when something that didn’t seem to be relevant to you will suddenly slip into the puzzle and lead to an ‘Ah Ha’ moment. I even subscribed.