‘He Didn’t Incriminate Him’: Don McGahn’s Lawyer Tells Trump Things Should Be Maybe, Probably Ok

It's been a tough couple of days for whatever's left of Donald Trump's legal team and in keeping with recent precedent, the problem is, well, Donald Trump's legal team. From the very beginning of the Robert Mueller probe, experts variously suggested that Trump was woefully outgunned on the legal front. That contention has been borne out on any number of occasions and it was validated in dramatic fashion over the weekend when The New York Times detailed some 30 hours of interviews White House co

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13 thoughts on “‘He Didn’t Incriminate Him’: Don McGahn’s Lawyer Tells Trump Things Should Be Maybe, Probably Ok

  1. H, “Trump being out-gunned by Mueller on the legal front” ? Your bias is once again clouding intelligent thought on your behalf. Other than hoping to get the President into a perjury trap, it’s as Strzok said “there is no there there.”

    1. You do realize that’s the consensus assessment in the legal community, right? It’s not my “bias”, I’m stating the opinion of lawyers. Your bias is causing you to deny reality, which is trying to reassert itself on an hourly basis, but which this President spends every waking second trying to suspend. If your inclination is to believe him, well then by all means. You’re certainly not alone.

      1. My inclination is to doubt much of what the New York Times reports on “background.” Lawyers have expressed opinions from one extreme to the other but it seems reasonable that Atty McGahn would advise his client (Trump) if he was gave detrimental information. Why are McGahn and Burck “at pains” to tell Giuliani and trump what Mueller might know or not know? I’m not suggesting it was a good idea to have McGahn talk to Mueller but my guess is no damage will come as a result of his 30 hours conversation.

      2. Heis, as I sit here I picture you salivating at the prospect of Mr. Cohen turning on trump on his plea agreement. I will bet that he will not turn on trump and provide false witness to Mueller. wishing and hoping won’t make it so. let’s look toward trump 2020.

  2. The truth of the matter is that clearly McGahn does not trust trump at all — therefore he was happy to speak to Mueller to protect himself from trump and went so far as to have his own attorney to protect him from trump as well as a witness to the conversation. 30 hours is a long time to talk to someone who had “nothing” to say.

    btw, one of my favorite pass times these days to to watch trump’s legal guns help him…hahahahaha!

    1. Clearly…. you are clairvoyant or actually interpreted McGahns’ attitude toward meeting with Mueller incorrectly. your “pass” time suggests too much time on your hands. Pres. Trumps attorneys have actually represented him well—– 18 months of Mueller and team and nothing to show for it.

      1. what the hell planet are you from? nothing to show for it LOL! OMG I peed my pants! Cohen pleading guilty right now — Manafart waiting for verdict and his next trial scheduled — Popodopolus staying in jail .– and I forsee charges against Jr. coming soon . . . ask Google for the rest!

        And YES I am clairvoyant 😃 wanna know what’s gonna happen to trump? Huh, do you?

        1. Murphy,
          Cohen pleading guilty to taxi and tax issues. Manafort charged with tax issues long before Trump. Popodopolis for being an idiot. Junior doing just fine. as I said to the H, hoping and wishing doesn’t get you much. Pres. Trump will not be charged with any crimes. let it go – find a hobby!

          1. YOU are my hobby! haha!

            btw, Cohen has so many things to charge him with – trump involved in much of it and YES he will turn on trump BIGLY.


            https://www.rawstory.com/2018/08/ex-trump-fixer-michael-cohen-entered-plea-agreement-feds-report/ “…Cohen’s decision to retain longtime Clinton ally Lanny Davis as his personal counsel was…a signal that he planned to turn on the president.”

            Oh, and one more thing that I bet even your own mother told you once — lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

  3. Murphy, not to get personal but word has it you’ve been peeing your pants since puberty. Anyhow, your president and mine will represent us well going forward. Fear not my friend Murphy, the country will survive – maybe not Tesla – but the country will go on and you will prosper

      1. Murphy, your right – SORRY, just couldn’t resist. we all wish for our Country to prosper. I just think Pres. Trump deserves more credit than given thus far. You have strong feelings against him and some deserved but I think some not. Best to you and those who differ.

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