‘It’s All A Big Hoax!!!’, Screams Sunday Trump, Refuting Tuesday Trump Who Refuted Monday Trump
Paging Dan Coats.
Donald Trump spent all of last week in damage control mode after the following comment (delivered while standing right next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki) seemed to suggest the President of the United States is (still) inclined to believe the word of the Kremlin over that of the entire U.S. intelligence community when it comes to Russian meddling in 2016 election:
My people came to me, Dan Coats came to me, some others, they said they think it’s Russia. I have President Put
Trump says “It’s all a big hoax”, meaning there was no Russian manipulation of our democracy, and Obama is bad because he should have taken action about something that didn’t happen, according to Trump.
Yep, this was all the black guys fault, all of it. This thing that didn’t happen, well that is today’s lie and tomorrow………………..
“Oh, and for what it’s worth, here is a press release from the US Intelligence Community dated October 7, 2016.”
Great piece of propaganda you inserted there. Here are three facts and two opinions:
Fact 1: the release was drafted by DHS and ODNI. It was not co-authored or signed-off by any of the other 17 NIC agencies. That they all agree with the assessment is simply a lie. But don’t let that get in the way of a rolling story.
Fact 2: if you had bothered to read the latest indictments in detail, and assuming you have even a basic knowledge in this area, it should be abundantly clear that there is nothing related to Guccifer that could not have been initiated from within the US IC and masked to false-flag a Russian penetration.
a. Opinion 1: the release was timed to help Clinton, a far preferable bet for the IC than Trump – as we are now seeing.
b. Opinion 2: this is the same US IC that gave us Iraqi WMD. Personally, I see nothing to choose between the integrity of US spooks and the integrity of the Russian spook Vlad. They’re all congenital liars.
Fact 3: the DNC server hack was conducted at speeds inconsistent with online penetration, pointing instead to internal access. Doubtless by a Russian cleaner, of course.
His national security advisor has pled guilty. Multiple members of his campaign have pled guilty. His campaign advisor is in prison. Recently he stood before the entire world, humbly next to the man who attacked the country, and not only refused to defend the country but refused to acknowledge it was even under attack.
I must say, you Americans continue to educate us on how nationalism should be done. In any other Western country, such a pathetic performance would have had a leader removed before his plane landed back home.
But I suppose this should be the level of analytical sophistication I should expect from someone who believes his own government is more of an enemy to him than a foreign power that is trying to destroy his country.