Pompeo Gifts Kim Jong-Un A Copy Of Elton John’s ‘Rocket Man’ Signed By Donald Trump

I was only kidding when, back on May 4, I tweeted an artist’s impression of how I imagined the introduction between Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump might go at their summit in Singapore.

I should have known better than to joke about it.

Because in a world where the geopolitical landscape has devolved into something right out of an Austin Powers sequel, reality is everywhere and always stranger than fiction.

On Friday, South Korean’s Chosun Ilbo is out reporting that when Mike Pompeo arrived in Pyongyang to discuss North Korea’s commitment to denuclearization, he came bearing a gift.

And not just any gift. But in fact a burned copy of Elton John’s “Rocket Man.” To wit, from Chosun Ilbo:

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left for North Korea on Thursday and brought two gifts for leader Kim Jong-un.

One is a letter from U.S. President Donald Trump and the other an Elton John CD with his song “Rocket Man.

One diplomatic source in Washington said, “The ‘Rocket Man’ CD was the subject of discussion during Trump’s lunch with Kim. Kim mentioned that Trump referred to him as ‘rocket man’ when tensions ran high last year” after a series of nuclear tests and missile launches by the North. “Trump then asked Kim if he knew the song and Kim said no.”

As absurd as that is on its face, it’s even more ridiculous when you consider what Chosun Ilbo says next, which is that the CD was in fact signed, but not by Elton John, rather, by Donald Trump.

Trump remembered the conversation and told Pompeo to take a CD with the song for Kim. He reportedly wrote a message on it and signed it.

This comes as multiple reports suggest that the North Koreans have recently moved to enhance their nuclear capabilities despite assurances from Donald Trump that the Singapore summit and the cessation of some U.S. military drills on the peninsula do not constitute a softer stance.

I guess I have to wonder: if canceling military exercises and showing Kim customized promotional videos while simultaneously claiming the administration is sticking to its “maximum pressure” campaign doesn’t count as mixed messages, does sending signed mixtapes work?

Asked on Friday to confirm the CD story, Pompeo “laughed“.

It’s funny because it’s nuclear war.


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