Well Done With A Side Of Ketchup: What’s The Worst That Could Happen To The U.S. Fiscal Position?

Listen, Donald Trump is a man who knows a lot about a lot of things, ok? He knows how to bankrupt casinos, for example (only not in that good kind of way where you learn to count cards and clean the place out, but rather in that bad kind of way where you literally drive a casino off a cliff into bankruptcy court). He also knows how to swindle prospective students out of millions of dollars in tuition fees paid to a "university" that wasn't really a university on the premise that a cardboard c

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2 thoughts on “Well Done With A Side Of Ketchup: What’s The Worst That Could Happen To The U.S. Fiscal Position?

  1. I was having a splendid day away and THEN, unlike my usual mo, clicked on the vid. How is it possible that we are where we are; that we have a baboon leading us? Never in my wildest imaginings would I have thought it possible.