‘Don’t Panic’ And The ‘Last Man Standing’

It's funny how quickly the narrative shifts (and please, spare us your efforts to convince me to use a word other than "narrative", because the alternative is "meme" and that's even worse). In 2017, it was all about "synchronous global growth" and indeed it was still all about that right up until the data started to roll over in Europe after peaking earlier this year. Well, actually, it wasn't all about synchronous global growth. That's just one pillar of the "Goldilocks" meme (ahhhh no! "meme

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4 thoughts on “‘Don’t Panic’ And The ‘Last Man Standing’

  1. I prefer the old-fashioned words that were used before I even knew what a meme was….

    story, notion, idea, theory.

    Also, how about we get Stockman to simply drop “said another way”, and just say it another way. And why not “However” instead of “Having said that…”

    Thanks, I wanted to get that off my chest for a long time…..

  2. How many times a day do I hear the various journalists and news media people say “at the end of the day” and “out over tip of his skis” — those two are driving me nutz!

    And mark me as one of the millions that detest the Roseanne Barr Show! iIt’s just stupid.