Trump: The Stock Market Stopped Going Up ‘Because I Have To Do Things’

Donald Trump is a guy who knows a lot about the stock market, ok? For instance, he (and Sean Hannity, who unbeknownst to Fox viewers, shared a lawyer with Trump even as he jerked the President off night after night after night) knows that when the stock market rises, the national debt goes down. Not a lot of people know that, primarily because it's not true, but you know, while we're just making shit up, right? He also knows that rising stocks benefit the everyday Americans who make up a s

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12 thoughts on “Trump: The Stock Market Stopped Going Up ‘Because I Have To Do Things’

  1. > “tax cuts that benefit him and his rich friends”

    Supposedly not true, at least per John Mauldin who wrote the following this week on his website:..

    “What tax cuts for the rich? With relatively small exceptions, the “rich” have not seen their taxes go down. In fact, it’s been just the opposite. The only real tax cuts were for the bottom 60-70%. The top 10% and especially the top 1% are paying a much higher percentage of taxes and are paying more. The small percentage of corporations organized as C corporations got a serious tax cut. But that is not the way that most of the “rich” own their businesses.

    “If you are a small business that’s run through a pass-through corporation like an LLC, theoretically the headline say that you get to deduct some of your revenue. The reality is that most of the people I know don’t qualify for that deduction. Their taxes really will go up and often significantly.”

    1. because every rich person owns a corporation? give me a break.

      why do folks insist on quoting these people? go look at the multiple bi-partisan analyses of the tax plan. they all say the same thing. the numbers are just the numbers.

      plus, the historical evidence on supply side economics is unequivocal.

      and really, who gives a shit what “most people John knows” say?

      I mean if you actually believe that Donald Trump and the GOP enacted a tax cut for the poor and the middle class, then I think maybe you’re not as discerning an observer as you claim to be.

      1. I have no dog in that fight and observe nothing, except that John who IMO usually seems objective & credible took issue with the narrative that the tax cuts only help the rich.

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