Trump: I’ll Fire Mueller If I Want To, I’ll Fire Missiles When I Want To, Now ‘Where Is Our Thank You’?

Good morning America! Donald Trump is up and he wants to talk to you about firing Robert Mueller and also about firing “nice, new” missiles at a certain “gas killing animal” in Damascus.

First of all, the President needs you to understand that despite the New York Times’ contention that he’s tried to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller at least two times only to have Don McGahn threaten to quit last summer and only to change his mind in December after learning that in fact, the reporting on Mueller and Deutsche Bank was erroneous (read: Donald Trump himself fell for actual “fake” news), Trump has never tried to fire Mueller and if he wanted to, he’d just do it:

Yes, “just more fake news”. Let me ask you a question, Trump supporters: if you had to guess, do you think it’s more or less likely that the New York Times is correct to say that Donald Trump floated the idea of firing Mueller in December when the President heard that the Special Counsel might have explicitly crossed the “red lines” Trump laid out in an interview with that same New York Times several months earlier? Yeah, that’s what we thought.


Meanwhile, Steve Bannon is said to be cooking up a plan to stymie Mueller’s probe and Congress is rushing to craft legislation to protect the Special Counsel, legislation which, if adopted, would likely cause Trump to blow a fucking gasket.

Now how about Assad and Syria? Or, more to the point, how about the fact that Trump has repeatedly attacked the Obama administration for telegraphing military activities before they happen only to do the exact same thing (on Twitter no less) Wednesday morning? Remember this?


Ok, well then what the fuck is this, Mr. President?

Here’s Trump to dementia-splain it:

There you go. “It could very soon” or “not so soon at all”! Just keepin’ everyone (including the American public) on their toes. Now hows about a “thank you”?

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3 thoughts on “Trump: I’ll Fire Mueller If I Want To, I’ll Fire Missiles When I Want To, Now ‘Where Is Our Thank You’?

  1. trump’s mood swings and short attention span are on full display. This will surely erode some of his support. There is no way that it will attract admiration from anyone.

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