Look! Egregious Inequality In America

Do you know what it's time for? No? Well, I'll tell you. It's time for Deutsche Bank's Torsten Slok to click "update" on his charts and send you the same slide deck he sent you a few months ago. Then he'll watch as the financial news media marvels at the same visuals they got last quarter, on the way to furiously tweeting them out with headlines like "fantastic new chart from Slok!" seemingly without remembering that they tweeted out the exact same charts like 60 days ago. I'm just kidding. I

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5 thoughts on “Look! Egregious Inequality In America

  1. Its only fitting that a guy like Trump may well bring about a massive “improvement” in the Net Wealth numbers by inciting a stock market collapse and a surge in interest rates leading to a bond market collapse. After all, it really doesn’t matter if Amazon is $1300 per share or $750 per share except to those looking at the distribution of net wealth.