Trump Throws Cold Water On Amazon Rebound, Says Postal Service Is Bezos ‘Delivery Boy’

Well, if you were hoping that Donald Trump wasn’t going to tweet anything about Amazon on Thursday and in the process throw a monkey wrench in tech’s effort to rebound from this week’s malaise, you’re going to be disappointed because on the heels of yesterday’s Axios report that sent the shares plunging the most since February 8, Trump is out reminding you that’s he’s hated Amazon for a long time:

There you go. If you were looking for confirmation of the Axios report, you’ve got it  – straight from the horse’s ass mouth.

The Axios report prompted the worst day for the shares since February 8 (yet another “since February 8” moment). Amazon is down nearly 8% in two sessions and has fallen in five of the last six trading days:


The shares erased their pre-market gains on that tweet.

As a reminder, according to sources who spoke to Axios, the President is “obsessed” with the company and wants to “go after it”. Although he’d pitch that effort as something that’s designed to help “everyday” small business owners avoid falling into the Bezos black hole, his motivation is first and foremost tied to his personal vendetta against “the AmazonWashingtonPost” (as he calls it when he’s ranting on Twitter) and secondarily related to complaints from rich people. Here’s Axios:

Trump’s wealthy friends tell him Amazon is destroying their businesses. His real estate buddies tell him – and he agrees – that Amazon is killing shopping malls and brick-and-mortar retailers.

Never mind the fact that, as Axios goes on to note, multiple people have tried to explain to him that his take on the company isn’t entirely accurate. Again, he’s not concerned with that. He’s concerned with his grudge against WaPo and to see that, all you have to do is take a look at his Amazon Twitter history:


As we’re always fond of reminding readers, perhaps the most hilarious thing about those is that if you look back at 5+ years of Trump’s Amazon tweets, you’ll discover that he’s actually a big Bezos fan — as long as Bezos is selling Trump’s book, which is “a great gift idea that’s easy to order on Amazon”.


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5 thoughts on “Trump Throws Cold Water On Amazon Rebound, Says Postal Service Is Bezos ‘Delivery Boy’

  1. The only important number here is what Amazon pays per delivery to USPS and whether or not the USPS has maximized that number.

    1. Pretty sure those rates are predefined and the same for everyone.

      The only thing that actually matters is coverage from WaPo.

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