‘Don’t @ Me Rex’: Tillerson Learned He Was Fired When He Checked Trump’s Twitter
Now look, on one hand, Rex Tillerson undoubtedly knew his days in the Trump administration were numbered. I mean, the "fucking moron" story pretty much sealed the deal on that last year.
Additionally, he's dead weight - and not in that Wilbur Ross kind of way where he might actually be dead. But rather in that way where Rex didn't really have a job in the first place. He just kind of showed up at random places around the world and mumbled some shit, reflecting the fact that he had absolutely no
The Jewish fascist (I know, hard to imagine.) Miller is still there and my guess is his old boss, Sessions, is next. Still think Drumpf will move on Mueller and the GOP will sit on their thumbs. I have absolutely zero respect for these hypocritical patriots but hey, they wear flag pins and get misty eyed during the anthem
McMaster is next. Probably to be replaced by Bolton. Trump likes his arrogant and abusive style… as long as he knows who’s the master.
Fascism is on the move all around us and all over the world. It is the rise of the “uber-elite”and history is not on our side. Who writes our laws, who writes our speeches, who writes our religious sermons, who writes our news??????
The education system has taught our young WHAT to think, not HOW to think. Nationalism and patriotism, instead of critical thinking. How can a society where 80% believe in angels, while only 30% understand natural selection, be expected to figure out they are being screwed.
AI, exactly!