Tuesday Humor: Alex Jones Says Stock Plunge Is ‘Deep State’ Conspiracy Against Trump
By Evan Hurst as originally published over at Wonkette and reposted here with permission
“AND I’M FREEEEEEE! My name is the Dow Jones and I’m FREEEE FALLLLLIN’!”
OK, it’s not funny, we’ll stop. But oh boy, on Friday, the Dow Jones fell 666 points, and on Monday, it leaned into failure even further, plunging 1,179 points. God even knows what it’s gonna do today, but if the foreign markets are any indication, it ain’t lookin’ good. Maybe it’s just a correction! Maybe
Remember, he’s just an entertainer.
An audience easily amused..
Actually investigating Goldman isn’t such a bad idea. The giant squid ,DB,BofAML, oh the hell with it all of those fu*kers you know who they are all should be broken up and drained of all the “too big to fail” inside. Sh*t Alex get on that one will ya.