‘He’s A Killer’: Trump Associates Warn President Of ‘Suicide Mission’ In Mueller Interview
Earlier on Tuesday, we attempted to document the extent which the bad news for the Trump administration comes so fast that it's literally impossible to keep track of it.
It's gotten to the point where the only way to make sense of things is to wait until the end of the day and kind of step back and appraise what all we learned over the preceding 12-18 hours. And even that's sometimes an exercise in abject futility because on some days, the headlines just keep on a-comin' into the evening, right
If you didn’t think that Trump was toast from today’s earlier article, you’ve got to think differently now this latest bombshell has hit.
Miller, we are in an era that on a daily basis shows that pigs, in fact, can fly along with assorted other extranormal phenomena. At this point nothing would surprise me as to ANY outcome….
Mueller has Trump, cold. He is not asking for an interview in the discovery process; he is preparing the case for the prosecution, as he knows almost all he needs to know, now.
Perhaps ‘the Donald’ should take a trip out of the country .. Davos, maybe? … and then stay there, fighting extradition until the end of his term and ‘ruling’ by Tweet? r.
That would be fine. It would make pulling the 25th Amendment lever much, much easier.
He is likely to walk right in, sit right down … let your mind roll on … do you wanna lose your mind? HA!
Because he absolutely believes he is the smartest man on the planet. Especially after he hob-nobs with his elite “friends” in Switzerland for a minute!
Here’s a short quote from this article today!
“To be sure, many of the American 1-percenters here have Mr. Trump to thank for the substantial corporate and personal tax cuts that he helped push through Congress in December. But privately, they consider him a global wild card and bristle at his efforts to build walls, figuratively and literally, against immigration and free trade. Will political and corporate leaders at Davos seek to flatter Trump to get on his good side or give him the cold shoulder given their growing concerns about his leadership?”
Maddow had a mind-blowing long list of all the people from the WH that are going with him — hmmm, maybe safety in numbers?? Do you see who is missing from that list? Mrs. Trump has canceled.
Here is a 4 min video of that list AND the list from Russia too! http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/team-trump-empties-white-house-for-davos-trip-1144213571676
President in exile?