Here’s How Bad The Real News Has Been For Trump In Just The Past 18 Hours

You know what the funniest thing is about America's ongoing experiment with letting a reality TV show host/WWE half of fame inductee play President? Well, allow us to tell you. The funniest thing about Trump's ongoing trials and tribulations is that if you kind of step back at the end of every weekday and take stock of the news flow, what you come away realizing is that Trump suffers at least two grievous political body blows every, single day. Rarely a day goes by when there's not at least on

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4 thoughts on “Here’s How Bad The Real News Has Been For Trump In Just The Past 18 Hours

    1. OK, marked and it does not really bother me that I already have so many past dates marked and was sorely disappointed because I know in my gut that his end date is getting closer!

      rump has been playing too close to the fire, in the fire, with Russia and his real estate sales and has now drug all that crap into our WH and all his billionaire buddies are slobbering with greedy glee.