News China Set To ‘Slow Or Halt’ Buying Of U.S. Treasuries Ripples Through Markets

Well, if you needed another reason to believe that the Treasury selloff which gathered pace on Tuesday was set to continue, you got one this morning. According to Bloomberg, "officials reviewing China’s foreign-exchange holdings  are said to have recommended slowing or halting purchases of U.S. Treasuries." Here are a few excerpts from their post: The officials recommended that China closely watch factors such as the outlook for supply of U.S. government debt, along with political deve

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3 thoughts on “News China Set To ‘Slow Or Halt’ Buying Of U.S. Treasuries Ripples Through Markets

  1. Bonds are going to go BOOM as more and more come on the market because we have no will to correct and plenty of greed still left in this market. “No worries mate”just buy any dip you’ll see, it’s all gonna go up you can’t lose. Many people have NEVER been in a bear bond market well here she comes. One of my first mortgages was at 15%, it is called reality and it is coming with a big fat bond turd.