Trump Wants $18 Billion For Border Wall, Another $15 Billion For Watchtowers, Cameras, Drones
Just so we're all on the same page, Donald Trump is never - ever - going to get that border wall.
You know that, right? It's completely unrealistic.
Everyone told him that and everyone tried to tell his supporters that, but because their news diet consists entirely of Fox and xenophobic fringe blogs, those poor fuckers actually believe that not only is this wall necessary, but it's also somehow feasible.
Trump clearly knew constructing a Mexican-be-gone wall along the entire southern
I hiked the open space east of San Diego https://goo.gl/maps/vLLfEM2DMwz to put the terrain in one word. Rugged. The thought you could build a wall there is insane.
Great choice of a word in any sentence that relates to trump’s thoughts.