‘Stock Pickers Rejoice!’ Goldman Tells You Where To Find The Tax Bill Winners
Ok, so it's official:
We'd be remiss if we didn't remind all of our middle class readers that this means you're screwed - or at least you will be over time. On the off chance you haven't read it yet, the implications of this across income groups can be found here.
Ok, but leaving aside the fact that this will never pay for itself (i.e. it will balloon the deficit) and the even more inconvenient fact that it will exacerbate income i
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using finviz.com small cap+US+high net profit margin+ under 50% lt debt/equity gives a lot of small cap financials, small banks….?
and why does that not make sense?
theyre always the ones loaded up on local sweet heart ‘i know a guy’ type of deals to the local bigwigs (relatively speaking). my memory is, some do well, some totally step in it during late cycle. i do have a signif bias against banks ingeneral though, it was pulling teeth to overweight xlf this fall, still have tight stop on it. banks and airlines, over time, are net money losers….neither industry is consistenly profitable, but both rely on massive amounts of ‘capital’.
Where were you when Pres Obama and team raised nat debt from 10 to 20 trillion? This new tax plan will Be net neutral at worst and most likely net positive. We all get ” a piece of the pie.”
Ed you are drinking the kool-aid my friend and clearly nothing is going to stop you.
but the bottom line here is that this is not “net neutral.” it is $1.5 trillion worth of not net neutral. it is not going to pay for itself with growth. literally no one believes that except for the people who are selling this to you. additionally, unless you are in the top income quintile (which you may be), your taxes are going to go up, likely starting in 2025 and surely by 2027. that’s just the math, Ed. you can pretend like that math isn’t real if you like, but it won’t change the numbers.
Our disagreement over the figures has much to do with the CBO scoring (GIGO). I don’t think they can use dynamic scoring therefore they can’t project any increase/decrease in revenue or expense. With this political system, I think looking out beyond this president’s current term and accepting any CBO math for 2025/2027 is folly. 2nd- once the Fed Gov’t extends it benevolence to the huddled masses it rarely takes it back. Anyhow, that’s my thoughts and I’m sticking to them, Appreciate you time!
The CBO uses dynamic scoring
After screening for your picks, better take a careful look at those companies sitting on a pile of deferred tax on the asset side of the balance sheet. They may still be solid companies with great growth, but a significant equity write-down will hit next year.