In Op-Ed, Elizabeth Warren And Bernie Sanders Ask Who Congress Really Works For
Excerpts from a longer piece in The New York Times by Elizabeth Warren And Bernie Sanders
Over the past year, Republicans have made their priorities clear. Their effort to repeal Obamacare would have left tens of millions of people without health insurance. Now Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, wants to ram through an enormous tax giveaway to the wealthy before seating Doug Jones, Alabama’s newly elected Democratic senator.
The Republican agenda on health care and taxes may be pop
Liz and Bernie – if you didn’t know Congress works for the highest campaign bidder – you were probably also on that “ship” – that sailed so very long ago. Bush worked for big oil and the MIC, Obama had a contract with corporate healthcare/health ins. well before he was elected, and clearly Trump is working both for domestic and Russian real estate (and other asset) developers.
Although my heart is with them, it’s the same song and dance. The single most important thing that can be done to return the government back to the people is election reform. Public financed elections, time to legislate and not grovel for dough 80% of the time. Maybe, just maybe, we could have actual debates of actual and relevant issues. Try to lobby, go directly to jail. Accept lobby money, ditto. Have a PAC, shut her down or you’re going to jail. One man, one vote (that includes the ladies too) is a true democracy and will end the oligarchy’s stranglehold on America.
I’m sorry swearing an oath of office on the Bible doesn’t have any real meaning. Otherwise, all these bums on both sides of the aisle would be scared of the consequences of falsely swearing to uphold the Constitution and work for the good of all of us. Too bad a big thunderbolt isn’t going to come out of the blue and take care of all these selfish liars.