Elizabeth Warren Accuses Trump Of ‘Slut-Shaming’ Kirsten Gillibrand

Oh, boy.

Earlier this morning, Donald Trump did something egregious. That, in and of itself, isn’t news. Donald Trump does something egregious every morning. But on Tuesday, he set the bar even higher (or “lower” depending on how you want to look at).

On Monday, Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand joined Cory Booker of New Jersey and Jeff Merkley of Oregon (Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon later jumped on board) in calling for the President to resign in the wake of a public press conference by women who have accused him of sexual harassment. We detailed all of this earlier and if you aren’t up to speed, we encourage you to take 45 seconds and skim the post here.


Well Trump decided to respond to Gillibrand with this:


As we noted this morning, Trump isn’t exactly a wordsmith, so it’s always possible he didn’t mean to imply what everyone seems to think he was implying (after all, we’re talking about a President who accidentally tweeted an admission of obstruction of justice two Saturdays ago).

But irrespective of what he meant, the tweet shown above certainly raised some eyebrows as it could definitely be taken the “wrong” way, where that means it could be construed as a suggestion that a sitting Senator trades sexual favors for campaign contributions. And we’re hardly the only ones who think that. Here’s WaPo:

The backlash and criticism was near instantaneous, with Gillibrand replying directly to Trump on Twitter. “You cannot silence me or the millions of women who have gotten off the sidelines to speak out about the unfitness and shame you have brought to the Oval Office,” she wrote. 

Gillibrand was attending a bipartisan Bible study Tuesday morning when Trump’s tweet landed, and her phone was immediately filled with supportive and befuddled messages, wondering just what the president was thinking, a Gillibrand aide said.

Let that sink in. That is how surreal the American political landscape has become. A sitting Senator was at a bipartisan Bible study when she learned that the President of the United States all but called her a prostitute on Twitter.

Now, Elizabeth Warren is weighing in and by God she’s not holding back. Have a look at this:


Expect the backlash to continue and if we had to guess, you can expect a couple of “Pocahontas” jabs in the near future – possibly while standing next to actual Native Americans and in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson.


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6 thoughts on “Elizabeth Warren Accuses Trump Of ‘Slut-Shaming’ Kirsten Gillibrand

  1. It Trump does nothing else for the US (which seems probable – doing nothing good for us), he will have – by extreme negative example – brought the entire US concept of a representative democracy and the electoral processes of how it is achieved into a serious lack of credibility with US voters. This lack of credibility includes the rest of the world that once thought of the US as a bright shining example of what a well governed democracy could produce.

    How the current for-profit electoral processes ended up putting a person in the Presidency with Trump’s level of gross mental, ethical and professional incompetence – cannot be denied, dismissed, or set aside as Republicans have done for their own selfish interest and financial well being. Failing to address the lack of credible functionality of our election processes to maintain the highest caliber of leadership at all levels of governance is critical to the US’s future as a successful nation. “Making America Great Again” – is the epitome of the current antonymic irony of Trump and his Republican enablers political strategy of claiming one goal – while in reality accomplishing just the opposite.

  2. If Trump does nothing else for the US (which seems probable — doing nothing good for us), he will have — by extreme negative example — brought the entire US concept of a representative democracy and the electoral processes of how it is achieved into a serious lack of credibility with US voters. This lack of credibility includes the rest of the world that once thought of the US as a bright shining example of what a well governed democracy could produce.

    How the current for-profit electoral processes ended up putting a person in the Presidency with Trump’s level of gross mental, ethical and professional incompetence — cannot be denied, dismissed, or set aside as Republicans have done for their own selfish interest and financial well being. Failing to address the lack of credible functionality of our election processes to maintain the highest caliber of leadership at all levels of governance is critical to the US’s future as a successful nation. “Making America Great Again” — is the epitome of the current antonymic irony of Trump and his Republican enablers political strategy of claiming one goal — while in reality accomplishing just the opposite.

  3. You surely realize that Trump’s entire modus operandi is to continue doing and saying things so outrageous that the constant reprobation is drowned out by its seemingly rote, perfunctory nature. He has made the White House a reflection of American Pop Culture, whether by design or complete happenstance, and will continue to be rewarded for it by the public at large that condemns him in public while privately, secretly voicing the belief that maybe, just maybe, he’s reflecting the consternation of the citizenry at PC Culture run amok. He’s taken a kernel of truth – regarding frustration over PC culture – and amplified it with steroids and a megaphone. It’s equal parts disturbing and fascinating to watch unfold (okay, not equal parts, but I like the expression).

  4. Two things are going on here.

    The first, is democrat, a United States Senator named Gillibrand, not connected to the Clintons, is bridling a natonal wave, has the attention of the proper thinking part of this nation, is doing an admirable job in voicing that thinking and attacking Trump and the oppostion. To boot, it’s a pleasure not hearing Schmuer or Pelosi chase me out of the tv room with thier sleepy or weak sounding attempts to voice a position.

    The second, Trump is handed his daily “distraction” to keep the press’ and the nation’s eyes off the abysmal tax bill that the republican pirates are slapping together.

    There will be no hearing in Congress regarding Trump if and unless dems take congress in November 2018, and perhaps not even if that happens.

    Gillibrand has set herself apart from the weak dems for now. However, she cannot ride this issue as her singular policy issue on a national scale as she dd here. If she can jump onto additonal policy issues with the same aplomb it’ll be a good day in America.

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