Whistleblower Comes Forward: Michael Flynn Said Russia Sanctions Would Be ‘Ripped Up’

Oh, boy. If you were waiting for the next bombshell in the Michael Flynn saga, the wait is over. On Friday evening, the Trump faithful got a rare piece of good news as it relates to the Russia probe when ABC was forced to admit that they had jumped the gun by reporting that Flynn - who admitted to lying to the FBI - was prepared to testify against "candidate" Trump. As it turns out, what they should have said was "President-elect" Trump and needless to say, that's a big difference.   Of

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5 thoughts on “Whistleblower Comes Forward: Michael Flynn Said Russia Sanctions Would Be ‘Ripped Up’

  1. Actually, everyone associated with Trump’s election – both the powerful and those simply observing (and recording) from the sidelines will eventually fall under the scrutiny of the current Mueller investigation and or the many others that are sure to come. As those that enabled Trump’s criminal activities realize their time to exchange information gained in their complicity – for lighter sentences has a “use-by-date.” Positions in line to exchange info and or confess to Mueller are becoming ever more competed for, and as such – the opportunity is rapidly diminishing.

    I hope these investigations will eventually also envelope the Trump enabling Republican leadership (especially McConnel and Ryan) who have now made themselves complicit in Trump’s election and administrative crimes, simply trying to benefit in any way possible from the Trump “Republican Presidency” and the Republican majority in Congress. I hope voters will also remember how quiet the Democrats have been and include their acquiescence as just as complicit.

    1. I find it interesting that you find the democrats “quiet,” on these matters. I’m no fan of their tepid nature on the whole, but I do see and hear from many of them railing all over the place.

  2. So the question we should all be asking is whether Trump was going to get a piece of the Middle East nuclear power plant deals, or whether Trump got in bed with Putin only because the Russians promised to help him get elected. Flynn is undoubtedly educating Mueller about the details of the transaction, and Trump’s knowledge and/financial interest in the transaction. Hard to believe Trump would have given the green light unless he was promised a piece of the action.

    1. I am beginning to think that Trump is just the suit they wanted. The man is a dummy and I don’t really think has the brains to be that clever to enrich himself other than in a global sense. This is not to imply that the man is blameless, far from that I just think that he was manipulated and hasn’t the mental acuity to separate a blow-job from a blow-dry.