Bill Clinton Blasts ‘Tribalism’, ‘Fever Swamps’, Says America Is On Dangerous Path

Well, Bill Clinton has joined George W. Bush and John McCain in explicitly condemning Donald Trump's nationalism. You'll recall that back in October, McCain called the Trump/Bannon credo "spurious nationalism" and less than a week later, Bush delivered a speech in which he decried bigotry and called white supremacy "blasphemy against America." Bannon would laugh off the Bush speech, noting that George very likely didn't write it. As if that was the point, right? Of course George didn't write

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7 thoughts on “Bill Clinton Blasts ‘Tribalism’, ‘Fever Swamps’, Says America Is On Dangerous Path

  1. Hmmm, I’m thinking Bill wrote it, given he attended the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and received a B.S., in Foreign Service degree in 1968. Upon graduating Georgetown he won a Rhodes Scholarship to University College in Oxford, England. After that he attended Yale Law School and earned a Juris Doctor degree in 1973. Then he was Attorney General of Arkansas (1977-1979), then Governor of Arkansas (1979—1981, 1983—1992), and then President of the United States from 1992-2000. Although he was fucking moron for getting involoved with a WH intern and lying about it, he was never accused of being an intellectual moron like our current president.

    Is he capable of writing that NY column? He could do it in a coma.

      1. I’ve tried to have an open mind (also quaint, I know) about the new way, but I find it reuslts in my visualizing communists who love freedom, a desire for rising sea levels on the east and west coast of the US,melting icebergs at the poles and a US Senate filled with child molesters. It’s all and causes headaches.

  2. If we are all hypocrites, then it is hypocritical to hold some to
    higher standards than others.Bill’s eloquent prose doesn’t
    provide any solutions, which we all know is growth and
    real spending reductions.

  3. The problem with solutions is identifying the problems and the problems that faced the founders of our constitution are no longer the same problems that face America in the 21st century, which include an outdated electoral college, 50 very diverse states, an impossible road to amend the constittuion, an America that has territories and possessions around the world, astronomical debt, nuclear weapons and the power to destroy makind in less than a few hours. Solutions require serious minded, people bent with a desire to serve every American’s interest in a fair way and no one in politics today permits themselves, let alone are they permittted by other sides, to aim their sights in that direction. There is a reason why it feels like lost cause ….

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