As Bitcoin Surges To New Record, Meet ‘Bubble Burst’, The App That Warns You Before A Crypto Collapse So that tweet was posted a little over a day ago and while it hasn't hit $30,000 yet, allow us to officially say we're no longer "really disappointed" with everyone's favorite crypto craze. Because on Sunday, the (relative) calm was shattered when Bitcoin decided to explode higher by some $700. Coindesk is super excited. "Beginning at 11:00 UTC, bitcoin saw a sudden surge, rising from $11,115 to set a new high of $11,655 by the en

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3 thoughts on “As Bitcoin Surges To New Record, Meet ‘Bubble Burst’, The App That Warns You Before A Crypto Collapse

  1. re: “And don’t forget that more people are now searching Google for “Bitcoin” than for “Donald Trump”

    Nothing of note to read into that trend as both will end-up the same: very badly.

  2. H – keep up the posts on Bitcoin, but is there any way to supress the James Altucher ads (Cybercurrency genius), that pepper each of your articles? Or am i missing the irony?