3 Charts And A Dose Of Heisenberg’s Dark Humor
Early on Friday, we ran a post in which we basically continued to pound the table on the extent to which (some) popular pundits and (a lot) of retail investors are suspending disbelief in an effort to avoid coming to terms with a rather inconvenient fact about markets.
See, people are no longer happy with the gains their portfolios have racked up since 2009. That's not good enough. They want to pretend as though those gains are the product not of a deliberate attempt by central banks to inflate
I was about to have a great night, now I’m going to read financial blogs.
It least free will is getting you there!
Devine intervention?. I thought it was brilliant investing.
I sense a change in tone… wonder how much of those passive investors are completely impermeable to knowledge because they never look past the auto-draw on their Wells Fargo checking account. Should make for an interesting dynamic in the next couple years when their umpteen credit cards need to be paid out of their ‘trading’ accounts in a red market