Trump Lashes Out As Reports Say Papadopolous Secretly Pleaded Guilty On October 5

Donald Trump is going to go ahead and double down in the face of a Mueller investigation that is likely to get more aggressive going forward. Hours after Trump's former campaign chairman and a long-time associate were indicted on 12 counts including "conspiracy against the United States," the President said this: Mr. President, with all due respect (and that's a misnomer because you are due absolutely nothing in the way of respect from America), your associates are being indicted for conspi

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8 thoughts on “Trump Lashes Out As Reports Say Papadopolous Secretly Pleaded Guilty On October 5

  1. Of course Trump cannot fire Mueller to get out from under the Russian Interference investigation. When Nixon fired Archibald Cox as special prosecutor in the Watergate investigation, the resulting backlash quickly ended Nixon’s defense by even his most avid supporters.

    Trump is a survivor of hundreds of lawsuits, a number of bankruptcies, and failed marriages. He will huff and puff, and tweet, for effect, but will carefully work out a strategic retreat. His failures throughout his middle aged years left him with a trophy wife and the Presidency of the U.S. at age 70.

  2. He can pardon Manarfort and Gates, but what good will that do? Money laundering and tax evasion took place in VA and NYS. in both states willful tax evasion are serious felonies. Both states have democrats serving as AG, and we already know that the NY AG is working with Mueller, as well as the Manhattan DA, Cyrus Vance, Jr. (who already has gotten his besmirched because of the Trumps and could use this opportunity to level that field). Those same counterbalances may be present to criminally expose Ivanka and Don Jr., have with regard to actions they took involving real estate deals that occurred in NYC in 2012. Finally, Trump himself is alleged to be exposed to criminal charges in NYS and NYC involving money laundering and tax evasion, that both Vance and the NY AG, Schneiderman, have jurisdiction over.

    This is in the early stages of this story, i.e., perhaps the 10 yard line, which Mueller got to quite quickly, and I bet he could have brought more to it if he wanted to.

    Patience and patience is required. It’ll be well worth it.

    1. So the politics of the AG in NY is why the wicked, crooked Hillary (and the NY banksters) go scot-free? Oh well, she’ll get what’s coming later as there’s a place in hell reserved for her.

  3. Here’s my thoughts, maybe a little weird but it’s how I roll (my kids will laugh at that!). What if all these smart guys who commit crimes like that convoluted money laundering scheme of Manafart and Gates and they are hooked up with other smart guys who have a much bigger desire, like Putin wants world domination. All those people also have links to other smart ones that run large Russian banks. Then along comes dumbass who just wants everyone to like him, to applaud him, to make him rich rich richer so people are completely fooled into how he must be successful to have so much money and such a world traveler.

    Now, smart group #1 sees dumbass for what he is — a pretender, a con who can be conned, even easier if you just tell him how great he is…so they make him president and he is so enamored with himself that he truly believes he won the election and no one helped him because he did not need their help because he is smart and knows good words and always wins. He is easily fooled and used, controlled by Putin and not even realize what is happening to him and is defiant and angry when accused of collusion.

    You would have to believe that trump is really a smart guy to conceal all the corruption and collusion — I don’t think he is smart enough. His achievements are simply taking advantage of people, cheating and lying and financially beating them into submission — tactics of a bully not a stealth criminal genius. Hell, he isn’t even afraid of being accused of deeply corrupt tactics but is raving angry that people don’t envy or adore him.

    So, think about that. In his mind, he did not collude with Russia and everyone lies about him except those guys at Fox News. He is not as corrupt as he would need to be to play with group #1. He is simply more incompetent, ignorant and delusional that anyone realizes (anyone except Putin).

  4. Tax evasion is a noble, honorable thing. Starve the beast! It’s the last best hope against bloated, out-of-control government. A tax revolution a la the boston tea party.

    It’s not even a crime where I am. Rather, tax evasion is categorized as political. Try extraditing someone for tax evasion; ain’t gonna happen.

  5. Irb, “where you am” and tax evasion seems to be optional, it sounds like magicians conjure up your public libraries, roads, fire departments, police departments, public schools, public hospitals, bridges, tunnels, sewers, water systems, fire hydrants, public airports, and the like. Must be great having magicians.