‘Conspiracy Against The United States’: Read The Full Manafort Indictment And Learn About Rick Gates

Ok, so Paul Manafort and protégé Rick Gates are officially the first casualties of the Mueller probe. Earlier Monday, both were told to surrender to federal authorities and videos immediately surfaced of Manafort, dressed in one of his expensive suits, driving past a throng of photographers and cameramen in a black SUV on the way from his Alexandria, Virginia home to far less hospitable environs. For his part, Gates is expected to surrender today as well. Manafort faces charges for tax c

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9 thoughts on “‘Conspiracy Against The United States’: Read The Full Manafort Indictment And Learn About Rick Gates

  1. Now we find out that the owner of casinos, beauty pageants, pro wrestling, and dozens more unrelated world wide businesses hob nobs and deals regularly with criminal international businessmen. Who knew?

    American voters knew, apparently, as the indictments are a complete non-event reflected in the markets. The Donald is still the old Donald that we all expected. Like he said, he could probably shoot somebody on 5th Avenue, grab a pussy or three, and be forgiven.

    H-man, we just have to deal with it. The Op-eds of the NYT and WaPo can tut tut all they want, but America says “Fuck Yeah!”

  2. Markets don’t mean a thing. A majority of Americans understand that Trump is everything and more that’s assessed in this book: https://www.amazon.com/Dangerous-Case-Donald-Trump-Psychiatrists/dp/1250179459, and can readily observe the fact that “evidence” had arrived that Trump and his minions were deeply involved with conspiring with a foreign state and America’s enemy to alter the outcome of the election in favor of Trump.

    That there were (and are today even a lesser number of) a minority of American voters that supported a mentally deranged criminal is nothing new. We saw that with Nixon. We see it again with Trump Nixon ran out of town with his hair on fire. So will Trump. With every tweet comes a man falling apart from fear. He’s terrified. His nightmares have become reality. “Who’s next?” He thinks to himself? “Me? My Ivanka? Jr?” Like the emotionally unstable 13 year old he’s been for 57 years, he’s probably screaming at the TV, spitting up curse words, and bullying everyone in sight. Trapped like a rat with nowhere to turn while thinking about pardoning everyone in sight, only to be told that Manafort and Gates can be indicted for willful tax evasion under NY and VA law by their respective AGS who are democrats.

    Trapped like a rat.

  3. > American voters knew, apparently, as the indictments are a complete non-event reflected in the markets

    Precisely. But some people are ignorant of Socioeconomics and even dumber about markets. So they just don’t get it. The “expendables” in the immortal words of the early Steve Jobs.

    An irony is that Trump will nominate Obama’s Fed appointee Jerome “we have a printing press” Powell for Fed Chair, as bad as the previous worst two Bernanke and Burns. Powell will do all possible with his printing press to levitate markets no matter what, thereby perpetuating the Don’s teflon coating as the GOP cruises to a stunning defeat of the Dems in next year’s election, relegating them to political obscurity. At least the latter per the musings of the wildly accurate Stray Reflections by the witty, global macro star Jawad Mian.

  4. Yes Marty, trapped like the rat that he is…and on a sinking ship! Everything I have read makes me think that Manafart used trump to get his Russian (debt collectors) friends to trade info he could provide as pymt of loans or favors he owed them. He got caught in his own mess – I don’t think Mueller was looking for Manafart specifically until some of his money shenanigans came to light and Deutsche or Cypress Bank was coming up a whole bunch – even Kushner’s $285 million loan to bail him out on his 666 building — incredible coincidence with that awful address! And one thread lead to another, easily connected by Mueller’s highly qualified team.

    Manafart and these 2 other slugs are just the beginning. I would assume Mueller’s team have far more than we know about today and I sure as hell hope that Jr. and Mr. Ivanka are also caught! I expect more than one will spill their guts to save their ass. trump should hear the footsteps getting closer every day.

    It is over for trump, in one way or another. His greed and ignorance took him. Now, we wait for the other shoe to drop.

    1. Exactly, Murphy. We have seen that Trump has zero boundaries and the law is certainly is no exception, to include criminal treason, He’s a psychopath who does whatever he wants to do as long as it satisfies he’s need to fill his egocentric addiction to fill his bottomless pit of no-self esteem, and in this case it was his desire to become King of the World by being elected.

      So the idea of hooking up with Putin, Russia and the Oligarchs to help him win the Kingdom and then help him and his family accumulate emoluments now and after he leaves office was an easy decision. So, in a blink of an eye, he used Michael Flynn, Michael G. Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Papadopoulos, Don Jr., Kushner, Page, and the rest to make that happen. Once he did it all and realized how easily he was going to be caught he fired Comey and Yates, he wanted to fire Sessions (because he rescued himself) and wanted to replace him with someone else to fire Mueller, and still wants to fire Muller.

      Trump is as guilty as they come and as a guilty as they go. It’s time for him to go.