Clinton, DNC Paid For Research On Trump Dossier: WaPo

Although we are most assuredly biased in our coverage of Donald Trump, and although we contend that the GOP, by virtue of becoming the party of the ignorant, is effectively forcing intelligent Americans to make a choice between supporting stupidity and voting for their own values (a decidedly bad choice to be forced into making), we are not here to lie to readers. That, as opposed to other popular blogs with a readily apparent partisan bent whose sole purpose for writing seems to be to deceiv

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9 thoughts on “Clinton, DNC Paid For Research On Trump Dossier: WaPo

  1. Does not scare me away. DNC nor Clinton put that dossier together, nor are they foolish enough to put money into it if there was not a solid reason to do so. Trump did far more to taint Clinton, even to create whole stories around nothing and feed it non-stop to the less than honest media. The fact that things have already been proven from the dossier only leads me to believe there is a lot there to believe.

    I have confidence in Mueller and the team he assembled. I am content to sit and wait and I am extremely patient. Trump is not innocent and he is not off the hook. He will burn the internet with his tweets tonight and he will eventually cook his own goose.

    1. yeah i mean it doesn’t change what very obviously happened, it’s just that the optics are terrible.

      and now what will happen is lawmakers will try to spin this is a giant conspiracy involving the FBI and conservative media outlets will help them. witness this:

      who knows, maybe there’s some merit to that.

      the problem for Trump – as always – is that what other people did or didn’t do doesn’t change what he did and on top of that, he’s proven with his own words and actions that he’s incapable of being President.

      so at the end of the day, they could find out Hillary was a mass murderer in her spare time and it wouldn’t do a damn thing to change the fact that Trump i) had help from Russia and ii) is a moron

      1. It was pretty obvious from the reporting available back in February that the Clinton campaign had retained these folks after the “mysterious republican candidate” (almost certainly Jeb Bush) had dropped out of the race and stopped paying them for opposition research. We also knew that the FBI had been in talks to pay Mr. Steele for his work on the dossier and that the deal had fallen through when Buzzfeed posted the document online.

        It certainly feels like there has been a concerted effort to change the narrative surrounding the Steele dossier over the last several days and spin this as a conspiracy involving Hillary Clinton, the FBI, and (according to Trump) Russia. It makes you wonder if Trump’s camp isn’t trying to immunize the base from some upcoming revelations from the dossier by poisoning the well.

  2. We all seem to lose sight of the fact that the really concerning part of the political intrigue of the 2016 election – is the degree to which the election process was and can be manipulated and the incredible difficulty any thinking voter would have in determining the actual truth about any candidate.

    Our democracy and its election process credibility collapsed completely and obviously in 2016. While we all continue to debate who is the worthy of the “greater ass hole” title of the two 2016 candidates – the winner is truly lost to history – because of the lack of verifiable truths about either.

    We have no functioning democracy under the election processes used in the 2016 elections, and until we move past the political soap operas of each “news” cycle, we aren’t going to be able to reform our election processes and or restore any functionality or credibility to our democracy.

  3. To demonstrate how off-base I was, in 2015/early ’16 I concluded the Clintons already had something toxic on Trump and used that and a lucrative contract to compel him to run a circus candidacy, exactly as he did, that would be tasked to eviscerate the GOP once and for all and effectively emasculate the eventual GOP candidate so that Hillary could phone it in for an easy win.

    I just couldn’t imagine any other explanation for Trump’s outrageous behavior, asinine platform, name calling and ridicule of each and every one of his primary competitors. My assumption was that Bush would get the nomination but he would have been an effective quadriplegic going into the general, having suffered the Trump Treatment. I figured it was so outrageously blatant that even the Post Office deal in DC (his hotel development) was a blatant down payment on the deal, so outrageously and openly corrupt that no one would have believed what the purpose was.

    Who knows? Maybe I was right after all and the objective of GOP destruction is still in process. Besides, if this thing (the economy and markets) is going to blow up during this term, I can see Clinton deciding mid-year ahead of the election that she really didn’t want the job anyway – so Plan B went into effect. You have to admit, whether it was a health issue or a tactical shift, at some point last year it was pretty clear Clinton lost her enthusiasm.

  4. I don’t get the fuss. What’s the big deal? They all try to dig up dirt on each other. Because that’s what works in the ten-seconds attention span society. Where you get the government and candidates you deserve.

  5. Correction H: “But given how controversial this dossier is, the fact that Hillary Clinton and the DNC apparently started picking up the tab after the mystery GOP client stopped funding it…” Steele was hired by Fusion after mystery R stopped using them for (still undefined) oppo research; the “dossier” memos were entirely funded by the DNC & Clinton campaign.

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