9-Year-Old Child Sends Trump $3: ‘How’s He Gonna Eat Or Drink?’

Oh, goddammit. Ok, remember how we detailed the extent to which Donald Trump is duping low income Americans into donating to his "cause"? That would be a "cause" that ostensibly involves restoring some lost American "greatness" by enacting policies designed to benefit people who definitely aren't billionaires, but which, in reality, involves things like tax cuts that save people like Trump billions.   It would be bad enough if he were just taking people's money to push an agenda that ac

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One thought on “9-Year-Old Child Sends Trump $3: ‘How’s He Gonna Eat Or Drink?’

  1. Poor kid. Another deplorable who will vote some day.

    So, anyway, looking at how trump ruined that kid’s letter with his heavy black ink marker pen scrawl – to be sure you can see it – reminded me of something I read a long time ago about his signature. So, I found a little piece about what his signature says about him. Enjoy.
