Myeshia Johnson: Wilson’s Account Of The Trump Call Was 100% Correct – The President Was On Speakerphone

Ok, so I just want to kind of make sure we're all on the same page here when it comes to the ongoing feud between Donald Trump and the family of a dead solider. And yes, that's just as ridiculous as it sounds - the President of the United States is now in a war of words with the family of slain service member. It's important to truly appreciate how absurd this is. The miracle of Donald Trump is that he not only has an uncanny knack for creating bad situations and then immediately making them w

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4 thoughts on “Myeshia Johnson: Wilson’s Account Of The Trump Call Was 100% Correct – The President Was On Speakerphone

  1. I would be surprised if he stops. He has two things going on here. #1 He is never wrong and he will push back if you say he is. #2 He takes pleasure insulting people, hurting people. If the “other side” stops after he has the last word, there is some hope he would then stop. But no guarantees, he could wake on 3 days later and start all over again. What a disgrace for America.

  2. Is there a chance trump is a false flag for some other stuff going on behind the scenes? Trump could be using scandal to mask stuff he doesn’t want us to see and making changes while we are distracted. Its only a slight chance but the risk is what is sometimes referred to here as “tail end of the distribution” hopefully