‘It’s Enron In The Making’: Prince Alwaleed Says Bitcoin ‘Is Just Going To’ Up And ‘Implode One Day’
You know, for something that isn't inherently dubious, Bitcoin sure does have a lot of prominent detractors.
And when something explodes onto the financial scene and stages a world-beating rally to cat calls from prominent members of the establishment, it usually means one of two things:
it is in fact dubious and will one day collapse
everyone got it wrong, missed the boat, and the establishment does a group mea culpa after the world briefly passes them by
But there aren't too many
Say what you will, my BTC position is just a hedge against not getting to see Macafee enjoying a delicious snack on live TV. Its basically win win.
Again, the nay-sayers are confusing two issues.
One, confusing BTC and blockchain with ICO… It’s just the ICO part that is scammy.
Two, just cuz BTC is bubbly doesn’t mean it’s not viable. Same mistake as internet nay-sayers in the 90’s.
The bad guys (government) may well try to shut down BTC… but gov’t will fail except perhaps locally, temporarily, in some jurisdictions, not globally. The long public wave (government) is waning. We will enter a parabolic collapse in government and a corresponding parabolic rise in private assets (that’d include BTC which is private). Look it up by googling Economic Confidence Model, created by a previous Hedge Fund Manager of the Decade winner.