Trump Wakes Up With ‘Wacky Wilson’ On The Brain, Says Media Conspiracy ‘Finally Sinking Through’
Donald Trump decided to sleep in on Sunday morning and take a break from the kind of egregious social media tirades that have plagued his presidency and undercut his agenda since the inauguration.
I'm just kidding.
He was up early and the first thing he did was tweet about "wacky Wilson":
Again, this couldn't be further from the truth. Literally everything "wacky Wilson" said turned out to be true and on top of that, video and transcripts of the 2015 speech that John Kelly claimed was an af
Tremendously @ Bigly!
“Nearly half of voters, 46 percent, believe the news media fabricate news stories about President…”
This is understandable, makes all the sense in the world. That 46% probably includes a large proportion of people who get most of their news from the Fox network, which clearly fabricates much of their coverage of the President. Fox may be the only major media outlet proven to have fabricated news stories about the President.
I try and rationalize the poll results. Assume there will always be about a third that continue to believe he is God. The 17% who don’t know how they feel…they change their minds constantly, depending upon what the news story is about or won’t commit one way or another so I don’t count them as stupid, just timid.
So now we are dealing with roughly 10% who puzzle me. One thought is those folks say to themselves, media must be making this up or parts of it because it is impossible for an adult human who has reached the age of 72ish and some success cannot possibly be that fucking nutz.
OR that percentage sees and hears what we all see/hear and think the media is “making it up” in the sense of continuous harping on it (whatever the “it” is that got their attention) for days and days, hours after hours, show after show – to the degree of making up the seriousness of the “it”. Overkill, so to speak. In some cases, that one “it” is set aside because numbnutz has already done another “it” and everyone is now concentrated on the new “it”. As reliable as rain, there will always be a new “it”.
We still have about 54% that know the media is not fabricating the stupid shit this cretin says and does. And as I suggested, really only 10% has slipped thru the crack (temporarily) for a couple of reasons.
The remaining 36%ish will eventually watch him shoot someone on 5th Avenue and still vote for him.