Trump Lists ‘2nd Amendment’ As An Accomplishment, Says No One Is Talking About Weekly Jobless Claims

Donald Trump has spent even more time than usual tweeting on Saturday.

Between the voluminous output and the sheer scope of the “topics” covered, it’s been impossible to document it all, but here’s one that stuck out this evening:


The market watchers among you will immediately understand how hilarious that is.


He’s talking about weekly claims and while the numbers are correct…


… he quite clearly doesn’t know anything at all about this other than that the headline sounds good.

Because the contention that this is “lightly reported” is i) not true, and more importantly ii) largely a misnomer, as this is a weekly series. No one would ever describe claims as “lightly reported.” That doesn’t make any sense. This isn’t a conspiracy. Claims were reported the same way this week as they are every week – to not much in the way of fanfare irrespective of whether they’re “good” or “bad.” Sure, if you’re a trader, you’re watching the print when it hits and yes, it’s important to watch the trend, but this isn’t the fucking Super Bowl of economic numbers.

But most absurd of all is this: “just out.” They’re not “just out.” That number was out on Thursday. Just like every week.

This may seem like nit-picking to you, but as usual, you have to look at this in the context of all the other spurious economic claims he’s made. That is, this is just further evidence that he doesn’t know a goddamn thing about any of these numbers.

Trump is still tweeting as we write this.

Currently he’s in the middle of listing all of his accomplishments as President. That list includes “2nd Amendment” (which has been around for ~226 years) and “strong military” (which is just a noun with an adjective in front of it):


Nothing further.

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5 thoughts on “Trump Lists ‘2nd Amendment’ As An Accomplishment, Says No One Is Talking About Weekly Jobless Claims

  1. Looks like he just got caught up on reading his daily GOOD FOR YOU reports from his staff of minions. More than likely they present it in bullet point style because that’s his favorite and he just copies that list on his little
    ‘typewriter’ so he can get all that good news out to his cult. I wonder if his reference on 2nd amendment is code to his cult to keep their guns clean since they are his Militia? stock market…hold your breath! And of course a tip of the hat to Obama for that unemployment number!

    Has he had his 2 scoops yet?

  2. I had to look at his tweets after reading this article. I see so many – must be a boring day for him, nothing to do, no one to talk with. I see this one and wonder what the hell is this man thinking – does he not know how even more stupid this makes him look?

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 4h4 hours ago

    Crooked Hillary Clinton spent hundreds of millions of dollars more on Presidential Election than I did. Facebook was on her side, not mine!
    25,263 replies 12,527 retweets 50,067 likes

  3. So, by Trump’s own admission here in writing – it pretty much proves the value of Trump’s and his Russian backer’s “investments” in his election. Enough so to overcome those hundreds of millions that Hillary spent. Yeah, that was quite an artful “deal” by and for Trump.

    Sooner or later Trump is going to Tweet himself right out of Office and into Federal Prison.

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