‘Seriously, You’re Going THERE?’: One Woman Weighs In On John Kelly’s ‘Sacred’ Remarks

By way of introduction, recall what we said in our plea to John Kelly from Thursday evening: By definition, defending the indefensible leads to mistakes. And so it was with Kelly’s Thursday press conference. Kelly decried what he claimed was a nationwide lack of respect for women. Specifically, he said this: When I was a kid growing up, a lot of things were sacred in our country. Women were sacred and looked upon with great honor. That’s not the case anymore as we see from recent cases. P

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4 thoughts on “‘Seriously, You’re Going THERE?’: One Woman Weighs In On John Kelly’s ‘Sacred’ Remarks

  1. This “Proclamation” is laughable coming from trump and certainly will be listed on his ridiculous list of all his accomplishments, more than any other president ever in the history of all presidents.
    Proclamation on October 13, 2017
    President Donald J. Trump Proclaims October 15 through October 21, 2017, as National Character Counts Week


    Oh, here’s something interesting on specifically Women’s Health, from Daily Beast:


    I really like this quote from the end of that linked article: “Trump being bad at his job might be the last thing that keeps American women safe from this pre-sexual revolution wish list.”

    You would think both of those MORONS know enough to stay clear of this subject!

  2. “Gold Star families, I think that left in the convention over the summer.” Now THAT’S a quote that should get some attention!

    Wow. I assume he was referring to how his boss smeared the dignity of a Gold Star family for speaking their opinion against him at the Democratic national Convention. If I’m wrong and he meant some other Gold Star family flap during the conventions, then he stepped into that burning house by accident — highly unlikely.

    1. yeah, I’d like to hear that explained also! I recall trump ranting that it was a set-up but he lost that war too. My thought was Kelly was referring to the disrespect shown towards the Gold Star family but that certainly would not support trump — unless he remembers it wrong like he does Ms. Wilson’s comments!