Criminalization Of The Globe And Globalization Of Crime

Below, find a brand new commentary from Notes From Disgracedland’s Bjarne Knausgaard  who regular readers will recall pens some of the best political/economic color around.   The first link there is to his blog and the second is his Twitter, which you should follow. ***************************   Four centuries after Galileo, our experience of space is undergoing the second revolution. With the help of information technology the space of trajectories has given way to the space of si

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8 thoughts on “Criminalization Of The Globe And Globalization Of Crime

  1. When you have industries writing their own legislation at the state and federal levels, we are on our way. Eventually, people will wise up and then… well, probably not, but revolutions are not a product of the majority but by a committed minority and an apathetic populace.

  2. It’s amazing that the oligarchs in the US have convinced the very people who would benefit most from the status quo to give it up and lie on their backs for the trucks to roll over them. In Russia Putin sleeps with a new oligarch every night. But China … not certain China wants to let the big boys clear into the holy of holies. That government still believes it can hold the reins and control the fast horses. Can’t wait to see what happens. The outcome could be that the global crooks gut all the societies on earth but one (China) only to see that one end up in charge with all the dirty work having been done by bosses they then turn into minions. Neal Stephenson saw the Chinese as taking over the world, which by then had turned into a Balkanized collection of city-states. He may not be far wrong.

  3. Has anyone in the US wondered why Helmand province in Afghanistan remains a Taliban stronghold and well supplied with weapons . For those who have ever contemplated the question , loos at Helmand’s opium production and its links to the crime syndicates in Europe, and a link may be found.

    1. Another reason the US should have never gone into that Mountainous rat hole. We’re slamming tens of thousands young chumps in this country into prison’s clear…we look the other way at opium production in Afghanistan. Where does a large amount of this crap go?Russia! So…Hillary Clinton is whining about how foreign interference lost her an election..and in return the US assists in creating millions of hopeless addicts in Russia!

  4. Globalization is an old story..and so is corporate influence. The notion that a self important technocratic
    elite is above any law or beyond control and that we are all helpless pawns at their disposal need to be broken down.

    Nation States are being hammered at across the globe…fragmentation of authority, not by global bogeymen, but by Ethnic and Religious subgroups will be the great story of the next 20 years.Small states mean less large scale control…by anyone. Global elites only appear to have some kind of unassailable position because Central Banks and trade patterns have fallen into place..they won’t in the future.

    Never forget that policing powers only work and only have effectiveness when the overwhelming majority of people obey the ground rules..the day will come when they won’t. Small group resistance is tremendously disruptive..there are more police in Chicago and New York than ISIS puts on the ground in the Middle East…and look how they’ve occupied the 2 strongest military powers on Earth.

    The internet and “connectivity..” only exists at the behest of power. The quote from Mao concerning Chaos is only a starting point..much more relevant is the one concerning Power coming from the barrel of a gun…

    Global “elites” only look in control until they are not…an uber wealthy bitter grifter like Geo.Soros is really at the mercy of men like Xi Xingping and Vladimir the end of the day those leaders are virulent Nationalists..not Internationalists..and will do anything to preserve the identity o their cultures and societies.

    Double than in the US….people seem to have forgotten how protest brought down 2 Presidents in this Country..and forced the end of a war. It can and will happen gain when the tipping point of National self interest runs smack into manipulative self aggrandizement of the elite pimp class.