Sarah Huckabee Sanders Started Talking About Generals And Then It All Went Wrong…

It was a tough day at the podium for White House Press Secretary and aggravated piece of Flubber, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

As it turns out, John Kelly fibbed a little about U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson during his painful Thursday press conference. That would be the press conference that found the General struggling to vouch for his boss by essentially using himself and his military record as a human shield to deflect criticism after Trump spent the entire week defending the erroneous assertion that former Presidents didn’t call the families of fallen soldiers.

The entire spectacle was tough to watch because it represented John Kelly being compelled to defend a President who just 24 hours previous actually stooped so low as to drag the General’s dead son into the fray. You can read our full account of the press conference along with our follow-up plea to Kelly here and here, respectively.


But as much as everyone wanted to give Kelly the benefit of the doubt, records reveal that his account of a speech made by Wilson was just what she said it was: largely a fabrication. That, in turn, made it seem even more like Kelly was acting on orders from Trump, because let’s face it, that’s the kind of thing Trump would do.

When confronted with the evidence on Friday, Sanders essentially had no answers. She tried to pull a Trump and lean on Kelly’s military credentials, but this time around that didn’t work, precisely because it was Kelly’s own manifestly inaccurate account that was in question. Watch below as, despite her best efforts, she can’t quite get there:

Note what she said there at the end:

If you want to get into a debate with a Marine General, that’s up to you, but I think that’s something that’s highly inappropriate.

For one thing, it’s the job of the press to question everyone. Generals are not exempt from that.

Further, this is one General who wouldn’t be in this position in the first place if it weren’t for Trump’s antics.

Oh, and Sarah, if you think it’s “highly inappropriate” for people to “get into debates with Generals” you might want to tell your boss, because he clearly doesn’t understand it…





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2 thoughts on “Sarah Huckabee Sanders Started Talking About Generals And Then It All Went Wrong…

  1. This is deplorable, and the side issue is that we are effectively paying for this – meaning we are paying the salary of Huckabee to stand up there and continually spin false narratives about issues like this within the backdrop of so many huge issues that actually mean something.

    I just have to fall back on my own narrative that the entire current executive branch from the POTUS down must be a left wing insurgency masquerading as republicans and that their actual mission is to once and for all totally destroy any remaining credibility of the GOP and its constituents. How else can we explain this outrageous behavior that is seemingly designed and scripted come off like some kind of SNL parody that runs on a 24-7 schedule?

  2. I especially LOVE the old tweets, one goes back to 2013! Yep, he didn’t just argue with a few generals, he challenged their military decisions, success and overall reputations! Good find, H 🙂

    Horseface needs to tone down that extra layer of face and throw out those eyelashes – Good Lord – looks like she took The Mooch way too serious on his critique of her appearance! Not to mention her overall attitude and rudeness – that is one arrogant hussy!

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