As It Turns Out, Some Democrats Are Idiots Too: ‘John James’ Edition

Are you curious to know just why it is that America's global reputation is deteriorating so rapidly? Well, you can of course point to Donald Trump to explain most of the recent sharp decline in national prestige. But it doesn't help matters when Americans who, at least by outward appearances, are generally on the right side of sane, say and do things that make them look and sound just as moronic as the reality TV show host who occupies the Oval Office.   Allow us to present "Exhibit A":

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6 thoughts on “As It Turns Out, Some Democrats Are Idiots Too: ‘John James’ Edition

    1. i mean you know? Jesus.

      i didn’t even want to write this post because it’s pointless, but for fuck’s sake. you spend all day crusading for people and then they go out and undermine the whole damn cause with their own stupidity that rivals that of the very people they’re calling stupid.


  1. I really like these articles and wish them to continue. I would be much more inclined towards the authors point of view if he would consider adding more sources. I hate the adds and find it cheapens the experience but if they are the price for you to write I guess its a fair trade. The Amazon one that hijacks the page is a super pain tho bro. I wish more people read this