Marc Faber Tells WSJ He Doesn’t Want To Live In A World That Won’t Accept Him For The Racist He Is
Listen, Marc Faber is pretty sure that most people agree with him when it comes to how lucky we all are that "the blacks" didn't "populate America."
You'll recall that in the latest edition of the "Gloom, Boom & Doom Report" (which is kind of like a crystal ball, only in reverse), Faber "digressed" into an absurd, racist screed about the history of slavery. Ultimately, Faber offered up a defense of Confederate monuments that sounded a lot like Donald Trump's infamous August 15 press confe
It is very clear to me that this loon Farber just does not really know what racism is, he just does not get it. And he never will. Just like trump. Too stupid. Here’s an example of a person who is too stupid to understand.
My own mother. She would tell me about a woman who lived in her apartment complex – “the black lady across the driveway from me” and I would use that moment to explain that she should say “the lady across the driveway from me” … and she would say “the black man at Walgreen’s told me…” and I would say to her, say it this way “the man at Walgreen’s told me…” For years and years, countless times I would seize the opportunity to try and show by example how she could take the steps to not be a racist. She would firmly and angrily tell me she was most certainly not a racist because she had black friends. On her deathbed she said to me “go tell that black nurse I need my pill” and I knew she would be dead by end of the day so I just let it slide – clearly never going to change, never.
O.K. Mr. Heisenberg, we believe you. You are not a racist, since you have written two articles taking another man to task for his prejudices.
oh, i’ve written hundreds. you’ve just only read two.
On reading Faber’s excerpt above in its entirety, sadly I must agree it’s indeed insensitive and sounds racist, although the substance of the entire excerpt isn’t unreasonable. His offensive side-tangent wasn’t at all germane to his piece so why he go there? If I was black, I certainly would dislike it and feel hurt. Not empathetic to say the least. Regardless, on balance I still like him overall, warts and all…
Thing is, I now live in what the excessively PC Americans would certainly call an openly racist society, and yet there is less racial acrimony & discord & problems here than in the US. It’s more honest here and racist attitudes where they exist aren’t mercilessly condemned – it’s just your attitude & opinion with which others may or may not agree. And I see more interracial acceptance & friendships here and, importantly, it’s *genuine* acceptance because you don’t gotta pretend/conform like in US. Hard to explain as you gotta live it to understand but it’s just better here, period, even for a visible minority like me. It’s too big a topic to go into here but something to think about.
I think you cannot effectively legislate and PC-enforce your way to good manners and genuine tolerance; you can only try to enlighten through education & experience to get real results.
“Marc Faber’s record when it comes to predictions suggests that he couldn’t accurately forecast the sun rising in the east”
“kind of like a crystal ball, only in reverse”
OK, quick fact check…
Independent study ranks Faber’s forecast analysis as middling, not bottom.
Bear in mind this is a survey of 68 of many highly reputed gurus, so even ranking anywhere therein is an impressive achievement, never mind actually placing among the middle of the best.
oh give me a break. that’s a tortured assessment. Everyone knows Marc Faber doesn’t even try to be right. I mean for God’s sake man, why do you think he named his newsletter “The Gloom, Boom & Doom” report? the whole shtick is to be wrong. that’s part of it.
Well it has Prechter (of Elliottwave) ranked at the very bottom and indeed the technician part of me has noted that his EW count (and even alternate count) for the dow hasn’t been accurate, but I respect Prechter’s work anyway – plus AFAIK he’s not racist so let’s elevate Bob’s rank?…
Point being the two issues of ability and character are separate imho… After all, money IS fascist. Just look at how the Euro leaped again yesterday when Rajoy again squashed Catalonia with the Eurocrats’ silent blessing.