‘It’s A Catastrophic Defeat For The U.S.’: Qassem Soleimani Was Behind Kirkuk Assault
Once upon a time, back in the summer of 2015, I tried - very politely - to explain to my old boss that the man behind the seemingly imminent deployment of Russian military assets to Syria was not in fact Vladimir Putin, but Quds commander Qassem Soleimani.
See Soleimani has a way of showing up in all kinds of places where big things eventually happen. And in the summer of 2015, he was in Syria saying things like this:
The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership ar
Trump wants so badly to be the king, sure likes pretending he is the king but he’s not even a rook and not smart enough to be a bishop, more or less a pawn?
No heisy..what you “know” is a particular instance in a particular setting…who did what is minutae..what the consequences are..and what the geopolitical issues down the road are is the meat and potatoes..Sorry you felt slighted..but you betray your “geopolitical” credentials when you come to an issue with an agenda..and YOU do. Hating Trump isn’t an analytical foundation..it’s a petty beef you can’t win..he isn’t a systemic threat to the US..he’s a nuisance and he’ll be gone…much worse was Hillary. A much smarter person and a true psychopath.
So lets get down to real issues…the IRGs influence is immense..and that is why Trump’s half witted rejection of the Iranian nuclear deal will have immense repercussions…The Kurds will end up with a better defined territory and eventually…10 yrs???,,,the Middle East will begin to resemble “natural” tribal and religious borders. Democracy?? You must be joking..and so what??
No Pinelli – you are wrong on this one. How can you even think trump is not a systemic threat? Other than our current events with this piece of garbage, when was the last time you saw a tribe of white supremacists walking down the middle of a nice town chanting disgusting rhetoric, carrying torches and guns, loud and proud? More than once! And an innocent young woman participating in a legal quiet protest with other young people and mowed down, murdered by a vehicle driven by a white supremacist. And approximately 40% (40fucking%!) of the United States voted to put a racist smack dab in the middle of Washington DC White House and now we sit and watch him appoint others like him to Cabinet positions to rule this Country. Sit and watch that bigoted ass literally cancel insurance that could literally kill people and/or bankrupt families. And that same illiterate ignorant pig eliminate the environmental controls that protect our Country so our great grandchildren will be able to breathe the air, drink the water, enjoy the natural beauty. And see others of “his kind” supported and elected by the supreme cult that feels empowered. Reckless appointments to education and healthcare — has turned that into a complete joke!
And you berate Hillary for what? Imaginary crime — she has spent countless days to months being investigated for several accusations for years, that were unfounded and no crime of any kind was found. She has spent her entire adult like active in service without and with pay, especially involved in children foundations. And you call her a psychopath? You have no base, no grounds for that accusation. And you think H is fueled by displaced hatred? Go look in a mirror, Pinelli.