This Index Just Hit Its Highest Level On Record

Early this morning, Bloomberg’s Andrew Cinko “flipped on [his] computer and was hit with a barrage of price alerts telling [him] some security was setting a record.”

Cinko was referring to the Bloomberg U.S. Financial Conditions Plus Index.

As Andrew notes, “the ‘plus’ includes markets that might suggest there are bubbles — including tech stocks and bond yields.”


Well guess what?

It’s now at the highest level ever – higher than the heady dot-com years and higher than that time when strippers were using one dollar bills to pay the mortgages on the five homes they owned. Have a look:


There are a long list of caveats, but where’s the fun in that, right?

All you really need to know is that clearly, nothing can go wrong, which is why the best thing to do is Google “melt-up“…


… read a story (or four) about dip buying…


… and hope there’s not a one-eyed doctor with Asperger’s out there buying up swaps on something you don’t understand.


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4 thoughts on “This Index Just Hit Its Highest Level On Record

  1. quote “and hope there’s not a one-eyed doctor with Asperger’s out there buying up swaps on something you don’t understand.”

    Nice HB, if not for watching a certain movie i wouldn’t have gotten that reference.
    According to the movie’s ending “he only buys water now”…
    I am sure they took plenty of liberties with the movie but its nice to know they seem to have gotten that part right.


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