Krugman Is Mad: ‘This Is The Most Dishonest Political Selling Job In History’

Although polls show there's a contingent of Americans who have stated explicitly that there is literally nothing Donald Trump could do that would be sufficient for them to abandon him, there's a growing sense among most Republicans I've talked to that "yes," their party is complicit in an administration that is off the rails. What most Republicans won't yet admit to, however, is that Trump is lying about more than whether former Presidents called the families of dead soldiers and whether Mika Br

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3 thoughts on “Krugman Is Mad: ‘This Is The Most Dishonest Political Selling Job In History’

  1. “What this means is that everyone who goes along with this plan, or even remains silent in the face of the campaign of mass dissimulation, is complicit – is in effect an accomplice to the most dishonest political selling job in American history.”

    There’s overblown hyperbole and then there’s that nonsense above. How about these “selling” jobs that cost lives and TRILLIONS of dollars and have sown the seeds of incredible chaos…

    1. Vietnam..that was a really “cute” little LBJ political con job…50,000+ lives..we don’t count 2-3 million Vietnamese..right??
    2. Iraq…BS weapons of mass destruction that was really based on an oil spat between two governments we shouldn’t have cared a fig for…that bill is still accumulating..
    3. Afghanistan…THE geographical rat hole of rat holes…Obama dithered there for 8 years after it was clear absolutely nothing but graft and payoffs were its hallmark…
    4. Hillary’s Libya…a true POS was killed..the result…hundreds of worse POS now vie for power in a wasteland of murder and weapons transfers to terrorist groups….thanks Hill girl..go get em..

    In the grand scheme of things a tax plan that was never going to be passed….and never will be small potatoes. Oh yeah..the Wall will never be built either. Captain Blowhard hasn’t got a single plan he can implement because everyone that counts hates him.

  2. Another aspect of the Trump proposal that would lower the rate on pass-through entities such as Limited Liability Corporations is the impact on the social security and Medicare trust funds. As was seen in Kansas, where the top rate paid by pass-through entities was reduced so that it was advantageous for those collecting salaries to reorganize themselves into pass-through entities, many highly paid individuals did so. Bill Self the state’s highest paid employee does not pay state income tax on millions he earns as the University’s men’s basketball coach since he uses a Limited Liability Corporation to be compensated for his services rather than a salary. Medicare payroll tax is paid on wages and salary with no limit and an extra Medicare tax is imposed on wages and salaries above $200,000 for single employees and $250,000 as a married taxpayer. Social Security payroll taxes is due on up to $127,500 in wages. By switching from being a salaried employee to being paid via pass-through entity allows one to not pay Medicare and Social Security tax on the income passed through.
    Aside from the fact that highly paid professionals will pay lower income taxes when they reorganize themselves into pass-through entities, the Medicare and Social Security taxes they avoid by doing so will have to be made up by ordinary wage earners. The wage earners will either have to offset the Medicare and Social Security taxes lost when highly paid professionals reorganize themselves into pass-through entities by paying higher payroll taxes, or see Medicare and Social Security benefits reduced. …”

  3. Of course, those who pay the most tax receive the biggest tax cut. Those who pay little or no tax get no cut.

    Why does the rapist contingent object to that? Simply as an attempt to change the conversation away from the deplorable sexual predator behavior so common among them and their supporters. Deflection attempt FAILED.