Trader: You Don’t Have To Like Stocks, You Just Have To Buy Them
Ok, former trader and current man who swears to Christ he's not trying to irritate you, Richard Breslow, is out with his latest daily missive and he's revisiting a theme that's near and dear to him and also to us. Namely that passive investing (think: ETFs) and price indiscriminate buyers (think: SWFs) are at least partially responsible for the sustained rally in equities.
This is just Heisenberg's "Wave Paradox" (again). And because that's what it is, we're going to quote directly from the ori
Well the Swiss National Bank has loaded up on equities notably FANGs. These same clueless gov’t hacks who lost a trillion on the Euro and sold gold for $300. So maybe third time’s a charm but doubt it.
Good…heisenberg has given up spitting into the wind..now I AM confident we’re much closer to a Major League ass kicking. Banks have made some incredible buy and sell blunders in the past…and when they must they’ll flood the markets with whatever they have.
“heisenberg has given up spitting into the wind”.. maybe Greg only read the title.
Yesterday per Elliott Wave International, 91% of managers who identify as market bears were 91 percent long stocks. I guess heisenberg is among the remaining 9% holdouts and the bull market continues. No doubt it’s similar for bitcoin too…lol