Trump Says He Invented The Word ‘Fake’: ‘Maybe Other People Have Said It, I’ve Never Noticed It’

Listen, Donald Trump has invented a lot of things.

For instance, he invented his entire career as a “successful” businessman.  Because you know, it’s hard to say you were “successful” when you ran a real estate empire into the grounddefrauded students via a network of branded “universities”, resorted to running a mail order meat business, and presided over one of the most spectacular professional sports debacles in U.S. history.

Oh, and as Elizabeth Warren is fond of reminding America, several prominent members of the investing community have concluded he’s so bad at business that he might have more money today if he’d put his entire inheritance into an index fund and just left it alone.


But Trump’s penchant for inventing things goes way beyond fabricating his business bonafides. Trump also invents words and phrases. He invented “covfefe” for instance, and to let him tell it, he also invented “prime the pump.”

Given this illustrious history of innovation, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that Trump also invented the word “fake.” Or at least that’s what he told Mike Huckabee in a truly ridiculous interview that begins with Mike begging the President to heap praise on his daughter Sarah whose job it is to shamelessly defend the indefensible everyday.

Listen to this:

Yes, Trump “guesses other people have used [the word fake], perhaps over the years, but he’s never noticed it”

I guess that means Trump has never, “over the years”, listened to anyone describe that blonde beaver pelt he wears on his head.


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4 thoughts on “Trump Says He Invented The Word ‘Fake’: ‘Maybe Other People Have Said It, I’ve Never Noticed It’

  1. This carping on Donald needs to stop…of course he invented the word “fake..” Just look at any dictionary before his birth date and I can guarantee you the word isn’t there.He also should’ve mentioned his phrase contributions..”It will be huge..” “It’s going to be spectacular (also amazing)”…There’s many many many (this constructions is the triple grandioso and Donald’s exclusively) others and I’ve heard thru back channels that these will all be copyrighted and available for personal use by the public for a reasonable royalty payable to Trump Inc.

    In fact..Al Gore is becoming a Principle in the enterprise and lodge his various Internet and Ecological contributions under its auspices.

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