‘One Angry Moron’: Here’s What Happened After Trump Read The Tillerson Story
Listen, Donald Trump didn't force Rex Tillerson to give a deadpan press conference affirming his loyalty to and confidence in, America's dotard-in-chief.
Trump wouldn't do that, ok?
This President has a strong constitution (even though he's working diligently on making our Constitution weaker). Criticism just rolls of him like water off a duck's back. Nothing phases him. His skin's as thick as his caveman skull.
So when NBC revealed that Trump's Secretary of State once called the Pres
One important fact is that Cocker confirmed that Trump will have Kelly Tillerson etc as babysitters, to prevent the Btat from doing something moronic , as far as foreign policy, is concerned.
Oh the mighty have fallen to the depths of ignorance, incompetence and of course stupidity. This country is a joke, a punch line in the annals of history it will be known as/for ……….. (add your own sh*t) forever. The English Empire had it’s dolts and at least they have an excuse “sh*tty birthrights”, we on the other hand have our own stupidity and huge media empires that will do and say anything for $$$$. What does that say about us? History will not be kind as it should NOT be. Moron well there is more than just one that is for sure.