‘P.S. You Are A Loser’: That Time Donald Trump Sued The NFL And Got $3.76
When it comes to business prowess, Donald Trump is a classic case of a man whose legend (perpetuated mostly by his own self-aggrandizing) bears almost no resemblance to reality.
As you're no doubt aware, there's a very strong case to be made that Trump isn't a good businessman at all. Between all the bankruptcies, lawsuits and first-hand accounts detailing a history of abject buffoonery, it's pretty easy to come to the conclusion that Trump couldn't negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag, let
Interesting…have watched some of his appearances on the Golf Channel..typically presenting a course he’s remodeled or rebuilt along with very luxurious amenities. These are nothing but self promoting infomercials. Have been barely able to work my way thru any of them..he’s incredibly ill mannered and loud on the course…and constantly shills.
He’s found his calling trading insults with Kim Jong Un…the back door negotiating team may yet pull off a compromise that no President has been able to nail down. Other than that Trump’s legacy will probably be as the greatest source of talk show material that ever served the office.