Today’s ‘Amazon Effect’ Is Not As Large As Yesteryear’s ‘Walmart Effect’ – Yet

Obviously, one of the most contentious debates in the econ sphere of late has been the extent to which the Fed and other DM central banks are relying on outdated models and assumptions when it comes to measuring and/or forecasting inflation. This debate has taken center stage in 2017 for one very simple reason. Policymakers have realized that persisting in accommodation carries very real risks in terms of inflating asset bubbles and so, they'd like to normalize - or at least they'd like move in

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3 thoughts on “Today’s ‘Amazon Effect’ Is Not As Large As Yesteryear’s ‘Walmart Effect’ – Yet

  1. There is a hoax going on in the inflation, non-inflation debate. Wages, costs and dollar devaluation are principle levers affecting inflation in our everyday lives. Wages of course are flat and have been used to lever costs via dollars that are worth less every day. Most people have to fight this dilemma of fitting their budgets into a smaller box of income, shaving here and there constantly. At first it is doable then every day, month, year it starts to become impossible. The fed does not either want to understand this or really doesn’t care because they are after a different set of factors. Their big picture is not my big picture not even close. So we continue on, print de-vale, print de-value until it is all gone.