Back By Popular Demand: Screwing You On Tax Reform

By Vanessa Williamson for FixGov  The Trump-GOP tax plan released today gives an enormous tax cut to wealthy people and corporations. These tax cuts have been a top priority for Republican leadership, despite the fact that, as I demonstrate in my new book, corporate tax breaks are among the least popular things the government can do, and most Americans think wealthy people should be paying more, not less. More tax cuts for very rich people are back without popular demand–and it remains a

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4 thoughts on “Back By Popular Demand: Screwing You On Tax Reform

  1. If anyone though “health care” was tough sledding..just wait for tax reform “fucking..” Trump doesn’t..and never has..cared a rats ass for the middle class…He doesn’t identify with those people!!

    Anything domestically this half witted nim rod proposes will be useless and dead on delivery…

    Look…here’s the real down low./.and you are getting it on the cheap…The Trump wet dream is over….no Obama Repeal…No…Tax…No nothing!!!

    1. Curt, the real gall is that he (and them) stand there and make statements that it is for “us” and that it does not benefit “him” or any of his rich friends (which in itself is a lie also because the man really has no friends) and with his over-done hand motions, index to thumb, tells us what a great deal he is doing and how much better this tax reform (choke!) will be…all a total insult to our intelligence! And the lower the income, the higher the tax? Give a little deduction but secretly take away another? This man will absolutely burn in hell.

      Same subject matter, different H article: “‘Believe Me’: Trump Would Save $1 Billion Under His Tax Plan” – I expressed my heartfelt opinion there!