‘He Sounded Like A Mob Boss’: The Reviews Are In On Trump’s U.N. Debut

By way of introduction, allow us to reiterate what we said earlier regarding Trump's speech at the U.N. This was an absurdly divisive speech that serves to validate everyone’s worst fears about this administration. Worse than that, Trump is pushing the world further down the path to isolationism while simultaneously championing a nationalist message that has no place in modernity and frankly, that a whole lot of people died trying to stamp out. We all knew this was going to be bad, but it w

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3 thoughts on “‘He Sounded Like A Mob Boss’: The Reviews Are In On Trump’s U.N. Debut

  1. I guess the future might be soooo bright we might all have to wear shades. With two fat fingers poised over two red buttons the blinking has begun. Dumber and dumbest should just strap on six guns and fight it out on ESPN. I’d watch and hope for a draw (pun intended), both gone to a better place for all the world..

  2. Seriously America, how long are you going to take this humiliation? All empires end, but usually they fade away. This is starting to look like a flame-out.

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