One Bank’s ‘Famous 5’ Bear Market Indicators Are Flashing Yellow
As noted earlier, there's good news and bad news about the inevitable bear market (that would be the one people like Heisenberg have been predicting for years).
Let's start with the bad news. The bad news is that there will be a bear market. Simple, right?
The good news is that you don't actually have to call the top to avoid losses, because as Goldman reminds you, "selling after the first 3 months of the market peak would, on average, put an investor in the same position as one who sold equit
they big traders or bond traders decide that the risk is not worth the reward looking forward.
i am not a big trader but the risk seem to me to be exceptionally high at this point.
good luck all.
So, now the inflation risk indicator went off 4 months later.
Perhaps I overreacted going from 50% equitiies to 25% to get to 25% gold/silver, 25% cash, 25% equities, 25% bonds.
After all this time being in-the-market. Not sure what being out-of-the-market really looks like.