‘Our Boy Can Become President’: NY Times, WaPo Drop 2 More Trump-Russia Bombshells
Now, look: I'm aware that we exist in a post-truth reality where things like "hard evidence" no longer constitute "hard evidence."
This is also a world in which the mainstream media's sources are called "unreliable" when it comes to stories about Donald Trump even when those sources are people with Donald Trump's same name only with "Jr." tacked on.
Relatedly, this is a world where e-mails sent by people with Donald Trump's same name only with "Jr." tacked on are characterized as "fake news" e
I sense we can expect Trump to ban all women from the military, all people with 1/16th colored blood from the FBI, all people with European accents from television news broadcast shows, and pardon all inmates in federal penitentiaries who swear allegiance to Rurik, the legendary Viking who founded the Russian state, and a direct ancestor of Trump (or at least somebody told him so). For those of you with an interest in the genealogy, Rurik was at the top of the Rurik Dynasty, one of Europe’s oldest royal houses and founders of the Tsardom of Russia, which ruled the country for over 700 years until they were displaced by the Romanovs. They could pass for twins.
He has bigly hands LOL
I read an article at http://www.RawStory.com about Sater in mid-August telling his family that he and POTUS were going to prison and I believe another one published today regarding an interview in 2013 when trump walked out when questioned about Sater (“FLASHBACK: Trump abruptly walked out of interview after being asked about Felix Sater connections”). Both were fun to read!
Way back in early June 2017, another article about assface (don’t recall details) but I loved a comment someone wrote and posted and it was so good I saved it. I think you will like this comment and I wish I knew who Trumpnnocio is, to give credit because they deserve the credit! Enjoy! — Murphy
4 hours ago
Leave our President alone people. There’s absolutely no evidence out there that Trump colluded with the Russians except the Manafort thing, and the Flynn thing, and the Roger Stone thing, and the Cohen thing, and the Kushner thing, and the Carter Page thing, and the Jeff Sessions things, and the Wilbur Ross thing, and the JD Gordon thing, and the Erik Prince thing, and the James Comey firing thing, and the Russian hacking/Wikileaks thing, and the bro-love between TrumPutin thing, and the Russian propaganda machine favoring Trump thing, and the DJT “I have zero ties to Russia!” thing, and the Eric Trump “we get most of our financing from Russian banks thing”, and the Donald Trump Jr. “Our portfolio is made up of a disproportionate amount of Russian money” thing, and the DJT “I sold a $60 million mansion to a Russian oligarch known for money laundering for $120 million that he never once lived in ” thing, and the Trump business ties with Putin’s favorite sports athlete Fedor Emilianenko thing, and the Trump International Corporation’s mysterious private server connection to Alfa Bank, Russia’s largest commercial bank thing, and the Special prosecutor being named thing, and the British Mi-6 spy dossier on Trump thing, and the I won’t release my tax returns thing, and the Ivanka Trump’s vacationing with Putin’s girlfriend thing, and the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow thing, and the Trump companies business ties to Felix Sater, a criminal felon indicted for stock fraud scheme with the Russian mafia thing, and the FL Group Icelandic hedge fund with massive ties to Putin being heavily invested in Trump Soho thing, and the Rex Tillerson/Exxon ties to Russia thing, and the Russian ambassador at Trump Tower sneaking in and out thing, and the Trump tried to roll back Russian sanctions the minute he got elected thing.
You libtards got nothing!